Jaspamide: Structure identification of cytotoxic and fungicide compound isolated from Stylissa flabelliformis sponges | Setyowati | Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy

Jaspamide: Structure identification of cytotoxic and fungicide compound isolated from Stylissa flabelliformis sponges

Erna Prawita Setyowati, Sudarsono ., Subagus Wahyuono


A research on the structure identification of cytotoxic and fungicide compound of Stylissa flabelliformis sponge has been conducted. The structure identification was analysed with spectroscopy ultraviolet, MS, 1HNMR and 13C-NMR methods.
Based on the spectroscopic data and comparison with literatures, the compound was identified as jaspamide.
Key words: sponge, Stylissa flabelliformis , jaspamide, structure elucidation

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