Synthesis of diacetyl gamavuton-0 using acetyl chloride as an acylating agent | Margono | Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy

Synthesis of diacetyl gamavuton-0 using acetyl chloride as an acylating agent

Supardjan Amir Margono, Ridho Nugroho Zendrato


Gamavuton-0 (GVT-0) is a curcumin-like compound, which is more stable than curcumin and still has an antioxidant property. The synthesis of diacetyl gamavuton-0 (diAcGVT-0) yielding an acetylation product that is more lipophile than GVT-0. The synthesis of diAcGVT-0 has been done by reacting GVT-0 and acetyl chloride as an acylating agent and tertiary amines as primary bases. DiAcGVT-0 was formed as the major product of synthesis but the product was not pure. Structure elucidation using UV-Vis, IR, 1H NMR and MS spectra showed that the main product was diAcGVT-0.

Key words : diacetyl gamavuton-0, acetyl chloride, acylating agent, lipophile

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